Thursday, April 29, 2010


Why do I wear high hills? Why?

That is all...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Biggest Loser and Weight Watchers

So I've been on the Weight Watchers band wagon for about 5 or so years. I know it works as I have lost weight on it several times, so I decided to recommit myself to a little over two weeks ago. I've done well, losing a little over 7 lbs as of Saturday the 25th.

Today, a mass email was sent out at work asking if anyone would be interested in doing a Biggest Loser challenge. Even though I'm on weight watchers right now, I thought this would be a great way to motivate myself even more!

One of my biggest problems with losing weight is staying motivated. I know I can do the program, I've done it many times. It's just staying on the program that makes it so difficult. The wonderful thing about Weight Watchers is that it really isn't a diet (you can eat whatever you want as long as it's in moderation), it's a lifestyle change. And, while I want to make this change so badly; it's very difficult for a person who is addicted to food to make this change. So, I figured why not go ahead and take on this Biggest Loser challenge for a little extra accountability!? What would it hurt?

Wish me luck!

So... I did it!

I finally started a blog. And while most people may not be interested, and may think what I have to say is insignificant (hence the title) I feel I have a lot of thoughts and feelings I need/want to express.

This blog will more than likely be a huge pile of random nonsense. Anything from politics, my weight loss, my family, my job search, music, to true crimes and ghost. So, if you're interested come check this spot out whenever you're in the mood for a rant on a bunch of nothingness.