Thursday, October 7, 2010

5K #2

Hola! I have offically signed up for another 5K. This is the "and They're Off" 5K sponsered by BB&T. My registration fee will be donated to the Home of the Innocents (which is very dear to me, since my oldest neice has been admitted there 3 times). The race is on October 30th!

I was kinda bummed to find out that the 5K I'm racing in on Saturday is NOT timed. I don't know what I was thinking not signing up for the timed, but that's what I did.

Anyway... just thought I'd post about it! I'll keep everyone (that cares ;}) updated on the training for it.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

T - 3 Days

Yep, only three more days until the big race! Surprisingly, I'm not too excited about it. I run at least three miles every time I run now, so I don't feel like it'll be that huge of a challenge. But, to contradict myself, I'm excited to get out there with other runners and see how I do. I guess I just changed my mind! ;)

In other news, I've officially lost over 40 lbs. Aaaannnnddd, I've decided after this weeks 5K I'm going to start training for a 10K. I haven't signed up for any races (yet) but I feel like I need some sort of goal to work towards.

So here's to me... and my new super in shape body!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Hello all!

So, I'm pretty much awesome! Yes, I really mean that. I'm able to run 3+ miles with no problem. My 5K on the 9th of October is going to be a breeze! Next, I'll be on my way to training for a 10K. I never in a million years thought I would be able to say that. It's like and alien has taken over my body. Who would have thought just a short six months ago I would be 40 lbs lighter and ready to run a 5K, let alone start training for a 10K!?

It's amazing what running has done for me. It's an AWESOME stress reliever, the inches have been melting away, and it just makes me feel so much better. It's like I get a high from it. I encourage anyone who has thought about running to try to Couch to 5K program. It really is a great program, and has worked for a ton of people.

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'm really not sure if I'll lose or not. I lost 2 points (going from 25 to 23) last week, and have struggled a bit with staying within them. Granted, I've had the activity points to cover my overage, but I usually don't use those much. What really surprises me about 'maybe' not losing is that it doesn't really bother me. What is so different for me this time around is the fact that I'm all about the long term, not the short term. Who cares if I gain/don't lose??? It's not like I can't lose the following week or week after. The point is that I feel better than I ever have... EVER! I'm fitter, healther, and happier!

Also, one of my very best friends had her first child the other day! Blake Christopher Baker was born September 29, 2010 weighing in at 7lbs 5oz and 19inches long. I can't wait to meet this little bundle of joy... and really can't wait until he is old enough to play with my little guy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, it's been a while since I've posted. Just thought I'd give myself an update (I'm sure no one else reads this).

As of Saturday, September 11, 2010 I've lost 35.8 pounds with my weight now being 182.2. I am now working on week eight of my couch to 5K training program (which is a 5 min warm up walk, 28 minuite jog, 5 min cool down walk) and am able to run about 2 1/2 miles in 28 minutes. My 5K is right around the corner (October 9th) and I'm REALLY excited about it.

I can't think of a time in my life were I've been healthier. I'm eating better than I EVER have; excercising a ton; and just feel better overall. I'm really looking forward to making goal, and though I have a while before I get there I'm really enjoying the ride. I don't feel deprived and I'm very happy with my decisions.

For anyone that may stumble upon this post and may be struggling with weight; take a look at weight watchers. It's a great program that teaches you how to eat healthy and not deprive yourself. It's unlike any other weight loss system out there. I truly believe it isn't a deit, but a lifestyle change.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My first 5K

So, while I've been losing weight, I've also been training to run a 5K. I'm currently using the "Couch to 5K" app on my iPhone. It's a great tool; it allows you to listen to music while also using the applicaton.

Anyway, I had mentioned this to a co-worker and today he emailed me a link to the Susan G. Komen site. I figured, why not? It's for a great cause and will help me with continued motivation. So... come October 9th, I'll be running my first 5K. Let the count down begin!!!

Oh, and if anyone is reading this... help me reach my donation goal of $100.00. Click the link below to donate!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's been a while...

Yeah, it's been a while since I've posted and I have some pretty big changes occur.

1. I started a new job. I LOVE IT! I'm so glad to be out of "The Other Place" it was stressful and horrible.

2. I've lost over 30 pounds on Weight Watchers and feel WONDERFUL!

3. My son just turned 3 two days ago. Such a doll.

I'm very happy with the changes that have occured in my life. I'm happier and healthier than I've been in quite and while. I'm hoping the next big change that occurs is purchasing a home. I'm thinking this is going to take a bit longer than what my husband is anticipating, but I'm hoping it will be some time in the near future.

I'm also hoping to meet my weight goal within the next year. I have a little under 50 more pounds that I would like to loose and I'm completly confident that it will come off. I've been more active the past 3 months than I have in a long time. I'm currently training to run a 5K and hopefully after that is complete I will begin training for a 10K.

Hope everyone is well!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Why do I wear high hills? Why?

That is all...