Friday, October 1, 2010


Hello all!

So, I'm pretty much awesome! Yes, I really mean that. I'm able to run 3+ miles with no problem. My 5K on the 9th of October is going to be a breeze! Next, I'll be on my way to training for a 10K. I never in a million years thought I would be able to say that. It's like and alien has taken over my body. Who would have thought just a short six months ago I would be 40 lbs lighter and ready to run a 5K, let alone start training for a 10K!?

It's amazing what running has done for me. It's an AWESOME stress reliever, the inches have been melting away, and it just makes me feel so much better. It's like I get a high from it. I encourage anyone who has thought about running to try to Couch to 5K program. It really is a great program, and has worked for a ton of people.

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'm really not sure if I'll lose or not. I lost 2 points (going from 25 to 23) last week, and have struggled a bit with staying within them. Granted, I've had the activity points to cover my overage, but I usually don't use those much. What really surprises me about 'maybe' not losing is that it doesn't really bother me. What is so different for me this time around is the fact that I'm all about the long term, not the short term. Who cares if I gain/don't lose??? It's not like I can't lose the following week or week after. The point is that I feel better than I ever have... EVER! I'm fitter, healther, and happier!

Also, one of my very best friends had her first child the other day! Blake Christopher Baker was born September 29, 2010 weighing in at 7lbs 5oz and 19inches long. I can't wait to meet this little bundle of joy... and really can't wait until he is old enough to play with my little guy!

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